How do I get started with Kanban?

First, make sure that the "Kanban" tab is shown. If it's not shown, click the "More" button at the right side of the tabs. Then select the "Kanban" checkbox:

Showing the Kanban tab

Now, go to the "Kanban" tab and create your first Kanban board. After creating the board, you can configure it by clicking the "Edit this board" link at the bottom of the page:

Editing a Kanban board

You can add additional columns, rename columns, set background colors of the columns, WIP limits, etc.

When you've created a Kanban board, assign some backlog items to it, and start working on them. You can assign backlog items using drag and drop, or the right-click menu.

When you've completed a backlog item, you can archive it, by clicking "Archive this backlog item", or using the right-click menu:

Archiving a backlog item in a Kanban board

This will move the backlog item to the green archive box at the right side of the board. To see the archived backlog items, click the expand icon to expand the archive box:

Archived backlog items in a Kanban board

You can have multiple Kanban boards in a project. For example, you can have a board for each kind of work, or for each team in the project. To add more Kanban boards, and manage your Kanban boards, click "Manage Kanban boards" at the bottom of the Kanban tab:

Managing Kanban boards in a project

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