- How do I change the available time for a team in a sprint?
- Can I change the available time during a sprint?
- Can I specify the available time for a team individually for each day in the sprint?
- Can I configure vacation days, non-workdays, team members being away, and similar things?
- Why is my sprint behind right from the start?
- How is the ahead/behind calculated for a sprint?
- Can I hide the red overlay over teams that are behind in sprints?
- Can I see how much work is assigned to each person in a sprint?
- What happens when I unassign a backlog item that has progress, from a sprint?
- How do I handle a backlog item that is only partially complete at the end of a sprint?
- Can I have more than one ongoing sprint in the same project?
- Can I have backlog items from multiple projects in the same sprint?
- Can I see earlier sprints?
- Can I archive sprints?
- How do I see my archived sprints?
- How do I unarchive a sprint?
- Can I change the dates of a sprint after it has started?
- Do sprints start and end automatically in Scrumwise?
- How do I select which task board to use in a sprint?
- Can I filter the backlog items shown in the "Backlog items that are not assigned to any sprint" box?