How do I set up an integration to my source control tool?

To set up an integration to your source control tool, go to the "Your company account" tab in the settings of Scrumwise. You must be administrator in Scrumwise to do this. Go to the "Settings" page in the "Your company account" tab, and click on the link "Add an integration to a source control tool":

Adding an integration to a source control tool

Select your source control tool, and click "Add this integration".

Now, open the popup dialog for the integration you've added (for example, by clicking on the name of the source control tool). In the popup dialog, copy the webhook URL. Then go to your source control tool and configure it to use this webhook URL for commits.

For GitHub, here is how to do this: In GitHub, go to the settings for your repository. Click "Webhooks & Services". Click "Add webhook". In the "Payload URL" field, paste the webhook URL that you copied from Scrumwise. In the "Content type" field, select "application/x-www-form-urlencoded". Then click the green "Add webhook" button.

Your integration is now set up, and you can start including information for Scrumwise in your commit messages.

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