How do I format my commit messages?

To include information for Scrumwise in your commit messages, first make sure that you are using the same email address in your source control tool and in Scrumwise. Otherwise, Scrumwise will not be able to determine who did the commit.

Here is an example of a commit message that references a backlog item in Scrumwise:

Added login page [Scrumwise item #342]

And here is a commit that references a task in Scrumwise:

Added help text [Scrumwise task #679]

You can find the id of a backlog item or task in the upper right corner of the popup dialog for the item or task.

When you reference a backlog item or task like this in your commit message, Scrumwise will register the commit in the backlog item or task. You can then see a list of commits in the popup dialog for the backlog item or task.

You can place the info for Scrumwise anywhere in your commit messages. Also, you can include references to multiple backlog items and tasks in the same commit, like this:

Performance optimizations [Scrumwise item #259]
[Scrumwise item #476] [Scrumwise task #893]

Note that if a backlog item has tasks, you cannot reference the backlog item itself in the commits - you must reference the individual tasks instead.

You can also specify how much time you have used, like this:

Added login page [Scrumwise item #342, used: 2.5 h]

Scrumwise will then register the used time in the backlog item or task. Scrumwise will also reduce the remaining time in the backlog item or task, with the same amount of time, except if your project is configured to use a different unit for remaining time.

As unit, use "h" for hours, "d" for days, and "p" for points. Or, spell out the unit completely, for example "points". The unit must be the same as the unit used for tracking used time in the Scrumwise project. You can also leave out the unit, but including it is safer, since otherwise you might forget which unit it is.

You can also specify the new status of the backlog item or task, like this:

Added login page [Scrumwise item #342, status: Done]

You can set the status to "In progress", "To test", or "Done". The case doesn't matter, so you can use "done" instead of "Done", for example.

Here is an example that references both a backlog item and a task, and specifies the used time and new status for each of them:

Improved user experience [Scrumwise item #612,
used: 2.5 h, status: To test] [Scrumwise task #938,
used: 1.5 h, status: Done]

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